Ant Pest Control

We provide professional, effective and quality ant pest control treatments and solutions for the interior, exterior and yard of your home or business.

Ants have been in existence for more than 100 million years and they can be found almost everywhere on the planet. Australia has approximately 1300 know ant species so far. Ants are part of the family of social insects and live in colonies that can range in size from a few dozen to several thousand. There are documented cases of super colonies with multiple queens and millions of worker ants.

Common ant species:

  • Argentine Ant
  • Black Ant (white-footed house ant)
  • Coastal Brown ant
  • Bull ant

Ants have a very important role in nature as they act as decomposes for both organic and natural watse. They turn and aerate the soil allowing water and and oxygen to reach plant roots and also often take seeds into their tunnels which eventually sprout.

Australia has many native ant species ranging in size from 1-2 mm in length up to 18-20 mm in length. however their are a few introduced pest species that can be destructive and also refereed to Tramp Ants as they destroy and kill native ant species

When ants do get in, they do so in large numbers and can be a major source of frustration. It’s also not that easy to get rid of them, that’s why you need to contact a specialist in ant pest control in WA, we have many years’ experience and the best equipment and techniques, we will not only rid your premises of all ants, we will find the source of your problem and provide a solution to prevent future ant infestations.

Like all ants, Australia ants are highly developed social insects who live together in large colonies, they pick annoying places – like your kitchen. Ants are active throughout the year, but mainly in summer and especially after one of Australia’s classic summer rains. We have several different ant species in Australia – Some species feed on sugar, this is why you can find them eating the honey jar & some are protein feeders, so you can find them eating out ‘mittens’ pet bowl for lunch. Some ants travel in army like march lines up the wall and others spread over a bench top like breadcrumbs thrown from the roof. It’s therefore important to know your enemy before you choose your ant weapons carefully.

Once the pest control team figures out where the ants are coming from and where their colony resides, they move on to apply the various insecticides. They also set traps to capture and exterminate the ants. Spraying solutions on the external walls, in-between cracks, and other unreachable areas are some of the other methods. The team can access even the narrowest spaces of the house easily. They lure out the ants before killing them swiftly before safeguarding the house for future infestations.


External Grounds

  • Inspection of External Grounds
  • Window Frame Treatments
  • Door Frame Treatments
  • External of Sheds
  • Fencelines
  • Gardens and paving

Internal Grounds

  • Inspection of Internal grounds
  • Roof Void
  • Subfloors
  • Treatments for sinks & drains

Ants are one of the most difficult, if not the most difficult type of insect to control. At any one time, what we see on the surface is only 5% of a colony. “Old” remedies such as pouring boiling hot water or petrol over the ants, or spraying them with hardware store-bought repellent dust, will only be temporarily successful as the majority of the colony will remain safely underground and will simply relocate or resurface a few weeks later.

Our Ant Control Procedure

Professional Termite and Pest Control, our ant pest control involves detail analysis of infestation, the reason that causes it, extermination, and necessary measures to avoid future infestation. We follow a standard four-step process that helps in removing ant effectively from your property.

  1. Ant Treatment Inspection
  2. Ant Treatment
  3. Ant Pest Removal Procedure
  4. Tips For Future Prevention

1. Ant Treatment Inspection

Our ant pest control specialist assesses your pest infested property, examine the location to study the activities of the ants. Before proceeding with our task, we identify the ant species, pheromone trails, nest locations, entry points, colony size, and colony lifetime.

2. Ant Treatment

We create a customised ant treatment plan based on our inspection. The ant treatment plan consists of all details required for ant pest control task and instructions for inhabitants during the treatment. We provide ant treatment to the roofs, garden beds, patios, subfloor spaces, perimeters, and elsewhere based on the infestation location and design of your building.

3. Ant Pest Removal Procedure

After creating a tailored ant treatment plan, our ant pest control specialists will use insecticidal dust, sprays, ant baits, gels, insecticides, and granules to save your Perth property from the harmful damage of ants. We use different ant removal procedures for the interior location of your property that includes, skirting boards, light spot spraying, and more.

4. Tips For Future Prevention

A one-time ant pest control service will not give you a permanent solution. You will have to take specific prevention steps that will not allow ants to return. Our expert will provide you with general tips and specific measures based on our findings and inspection.

Some of the following tips can be effective enough to prevent ant infestation at your commercial and residential space:

  • Immediate sealing of cracks on the floor and around windows and doors Storage of food items in an air-tight container
  • Cleaning of food, drinks, or any other
  • Eatables that spill after your meal
  • Thorough washing of bottles, utensils, and cans immediately after the use
  • Picking up your pet’s food at night


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